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Clarity Worlds VR Services

Exceeding Your Expectations

Object Manipulation

An intuitive system for manipulating you Clarity Worlds models while in VR presentation mode. Just press the Grip Button on either of your controllers while close to the object to grab it. Move and rotate the object however you like and then let go got of the Grip Button to let got of the Object.

Navigation in VR

We offer the users a navigation system utillising the capabilities of the Oculus Touch controllers. Jump in the scene using the Free teleport system, move in a smooth way using our Ski Navigation system or quickly teleport across your presentation using our Minimap. The navigation system is designed to fully complement the VR experience to provide an immersive experince like never before.

 Comprehensive Tutorial

A tutorial containing a comprehensive explanation of each of the features that are relevant for the Clarity Worlds VR presentation mode. Upon completion the tutorial the user should have a reasonable idea about how to navigate the Clarity Worlds presentation in VR, interact with the presentation's UI and manipulate objects in the scene.

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